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Get all your books in one affordable bundle with BucBooks

BucBooks is an affordable textbook rental program that takes all the hassle out of getting your classroom materials. Through this program, you can save money on your textbooks, lab manuals, and electronic book versions and have them conveniently delivered before your first day of class. All Blinn students are automatically enrolled with an option to opt out.

Compare Pricing

BucBooks saves you up to 50% on the cost of course materials each term. Compare the BucBooks price of $24 per credit hour to the opt-out book price: Blinn College Bookstore 

Opting Out

BucBooks is designed to help Blinn College students easily obtain their course materials at a discounted price, but we certainly understand that it may not fit every student. If you do not wish to participate in the BucBooks program, you must opt-out each semester. You can change your program status 30 days before the semester begins. The first and last days to opt-out are as follows:

Winter Mini 2024

Opt-Out Start: Monday, November 18, 2024
Opt-Out End: Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Spring 2025

Opt-Out Start: Monday, December 16, 2024
Opt-Out End: Wednesday, January 29, 2025

For more information, contact the Blinn College District Business Office at


Frequently Asked Questions

BucBooks is a course material model that lowers the cost of materials for students and ensures students have access to all their required course materials on or before the first day of class. Through this new program, physical books will be conveniently packaged and provided to students on a rental basis, and digital materials will be delivered directly within Ecampus. Costs will be applied as a book fee. At the end of the term, students will receive email reminders to return their physical course materials to the bookstore.

  • Register for your classes and the bookstore will start preparing your course materials
  • One month before classes start, you will receive an email instructing you to select your delivery preference (in-store pickup or shipped directly to you)
  • An email notification will be sent when your order is ready for pickup or when it ships
  • Your digital materials will be delivered for your course(s) within Ecampus

BucBooks provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital materials to eligible students.

BucBooks does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, molecular model kits, engineering kits or nursing kits.

All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in BucBooks.

Digital materials are delivered for your course(s) within Ecampus. To access your materials, select the "BucBooks" link in your course.

Watch Brightspace video 

While BucBooks provides convenient and affordable access to all required course materials, students have the option to opt-out of this program by following this link. Students who opt-out will need to obtain their required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes, and digital materials.

BucBooks is an all-encompassing program, meaning that when you opt-out you are opting out of all courses for the term. Students who opt-out will be responsible for purchasing course materials for all their courses during that term.

To change your status and opt into BucBooks, please visit the link found in you opt-out confirmation email, or click here. Please note that the opt-out window opens 30 days before the start of the semester and you must make your final selection prior to your earliest add/drop deadline.

Students will be responsible for purchasing their required course materials.

The deadline to return all rental textbooks is the last day of finals for the semester. Students will receive email reminders ahead of the rental deadline.

Yes, the BucBooks program provides you with the option to purchase textbooks at a reduced rate during the return period.

Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.

Students will receive emails and phone calls from the bookstore to remind them to verify their order. If the student does not opt-out, rental materials will be held at the bookstore, digital materials will be accessible within Ecampus, and the students account will be charged.

Yes, if the student does not opt out, their materials will be held at the bookstore and their student account will be charged.

If you have already received your materials, you may simply return the book to the bookstore within 48 hours. If you drop a class and enroll in a different class, the bookstore will swap the required textbooks or access codes to ensure that you have what you need for your current course schedule.

Yes, you will have 48 hours to return your textbooks. If you do not return the textbooks, the charges for the bundle will remain on your student account.

Your campus bookstore can provide assistance regarding the BucBooks program. For students on the Brenham, Schulenburg, and Sealy campuses, you can contact the Brenham Campus bookstore at Students on the Bryan and RELLIS campuses can contact the Bryan Campus bookstore at

Please visit our Faculty FAQ page.

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